Browse I Ching Hexagrams
5: Patience
7: Organized Discipline
6: Conflict
Conflict often arises when a person who is convinced that he or she is entitled to something meets with opposition. In such cases, the wise choice is not to push things to the bitter end, because knocking heads perpetuates ill will. Creative solutions that meet others halfway are more valuable and longer lasting than victories achieved through force.
Conflicts in which one party is not sincere inevitably lead to subterfuge and distortions. In such situations, those of strong character keep a clear head, protect their integrity, and look out for their own interests, even while seeking compromise. It can help to find a fair-minded mediator who can settle these matters.
In times of conflict and turmoil, new ventures and new initiatives should be avoided. Instead, examine the sincerity of your current beliefs and the beliefs of those around you. Seek advice or arbitration from an impartial and mature person. Consider everything carefully before making any major decisions; consider the option of compromise. Clarify the roles and responsibilities of those with whom you live and work to reduce conflict in the future.
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